The Poorly enforced regulations in India have lead to thousands of deaths in fires across India every year and officials in New Delhi says that an overstretched fire service is hampering safety efforts.
Theit are visible and several breaches of fire regulations, including a lack of signs to guide guests to exits and fire alarms that did not work in the hospital, schools, collgeges and factories.
The certiifcation of ISO 45001 and OHSAS issues to various organisation across india are not audited or the sites are not complying with the safety norms. Delhi’s fire service, which is responsible for safety inspections as well as fighting fires, is now reviewing certificates issued to more than 1,500 hotels in one of India’s tourist hubs. But stretched resources mean the reinspection process could take months. The city less number of the firefighters, he said, which is less than an eighth of the number in New York, a city with less than half of Delhi’s population.